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Hamburg … 24th & 25th June

Thursday, 29 June 2023

 Flew out Saturday morning with EasyJet 24th June arriving early afternoon and got the train in to Speicherstadt, the old warehouse region.

Two trains and one underground later all on time, clean, modern and cheap unlike the Uk ..

Really easy to navigate and move around using offline map of Hamburg on Google maps.

I visited quite a few photographic locations  ..

Above is the courtyard of the Sprinkenhof building ..

Below is the Chilehaus building and the other glass building is across the main road ..

Had the best Vegan burger at Vincent Vegan right outside the main Hamburg Station before trying my luck with a couple of office buildings but as it’s a Saturday I had my fingers crossed, Hirschfeld-haus I just couldn’t find after walking up & down a few roads in the area, the other Esplanadebau was closed and as the temperature was 28 degrees I had a cold beer before back tracking ..

Sunset was 10:10pm and I watched as it set at the well known part of the warehouse region of Spiecherstadt,  I took with me a Gorillapod to wrap on the railing but this picked up every vibration so definitely needed a tripod which I didn’t bring in hand luggage.

I waited till gone midnight for the lights to be switched on but gave up finding out later that they start in August blue hour only and October fully on so a winter visit is needed..

My hotel for the night was Elbgalarie Hotel near to my morning location..

A walk to the underground and one stop later I’m at Uberseequarter subway station, either end of the platform are escalators as you can see below ..

A bit more sightseeing like the Elbtunnel & more of the warehouse region then some lunch before it was time to get the train back to the airport..