Caspian Gull ~ 3rd. W ~ PNXB ~ Dungeness, Kent - 12.12.15

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Dark cloud cover and strong winds really doesn't help, when it comes to photography but it had gathered a good number of gulls in the roost although nothing of note could be found ..
A feeding frenzy never produced anything interesting, so the beach was given a go which didn't last long either with the few gulls that were out there just passing by ..
Over on the roost there was some activity from RB pointing his camera, MC joined him and began to do the same, this could only mean one thing ....
'Naked women'
'Lovely Larid'

I had not heard my phone with a call from RB, so stood watching, a quick scan and now I see what they are creeping up on a 3rd. W Caspian ..
RB beckoned us over, but as we approached the bird went up and headed for The Puddles, staying for over an hour ..
DW had this bird earlier in the week on the 8th.
It performed well and in return was treated to a 3-course meal !!

       Caspian Gull ~ 3rd. W ~ PNXB

Ringed at ZB. Kozielno, Paczkow, Poland by Jacek Betleja & Jakub Szymczak on the 24.05.13

Seen on 09.07.13 & 14.07.13 & 15.07.13
at J. Maltanskie, Poznan, Poland

03.08.13 at Den Haag, Netherlands

08.08.13 at Scheveningen Harbour, Netherlands

12.09.13 at Le Harve, France

29.11.14 at Wimereux, France

28.08.15 at Le Portal: Beach, France

Then Dungeness, Kent ...

Armenian Gull ~ Jisr az-Zarqa, Israel - Nov' 15

Sunday 13 December 2015

A long weekend trip to observe and photograph Armenian Gull - Larus armenicus on there wintering grounds in Israel was always on the cards and when finding cheap flight prices it was booked ...

Armenian Gull ~ Larus armenicus ~ Adult winter

The hotel was Juha's Guesthouse in Jisr az-Zarqa located off the main road 4 and then turn off on to 6531, this was the closest hotel to Ma'agan Michael where we hoped to see armenicus this backfired as the beach was devoid of gulls and the fish ponds were jam packed with birds problem was that they weren't gulls !!

A morning searching various locations North of Ma'agan Michael  failed to find the target species so returned back to Jisr az-Zarqa trying the beach at the end of the road next to the hotel, more by luck than judgement it was where the gulls were roosting and spent 3 days at this location ...

Armenian were the common species c.400, with the best count of 32 for Pallas's and the other species present were Steppe, Slender-billed and Black-headed ...

Armenian is closely related to Yellow-legged Gull but due to its range and structural differences its treated as a separate species ..

1st. winter

2nd. Winter

3rd. Winter

Adult Winter

Most adults only had a mirror to P10

A small percentage showed on P9 also

 3rd. w ~~~~ 1st. w ~~~~ Ad. w  

1st. w ~~~~ 2nd. w ~~~~ Ad.w

Another great long week trip which I would like to repeat again ...