Iceland Gull ~ 1st. W ~ Dungeness, Kent - 23.03.14

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

A text from Martin saying " Iceland Gull at The Patch "
We were already at Dungeness, near Springfield Bridge ..
When we got there it hadn't been seen but DW relocated it at the far end of the roosting flock ...
It soon came to feed over The Patch, always to distant and in to the sun ..
So only record images ..

Iceland Gull ~ 1st. W

Kumlien's Gull ~ 1st. W ~ Littlehampton, W. Sussex - 01.03.14

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

After the morning with the Little Gulls, we moved on for another try at the two white wingers at Littlehampton in West Sussex ..
The last visit see here was a productive one with only dorsal views lacking in the keepers, so today was about trying to gain some ..
The light was better than before and the wind was now more southerly all good but the birds position in the sky whilst doing what you want it to do according to direction of the sun gives unwanted shadows ...

Kumlien's Gull ~ 1st. W

Happy with this one

These are reasonable

This one has a nice pose but the background is awful & a shadow over the top wing ..

Little Gull ~ Ad. W ~ Worthing, West Sussex - 01.03.14

Monday, 3 March 2014

With three Little Gulls showing well on Brooklands Lake in Worthing and the two white wingers nearby it made things simple where to go ...
The two adults were interested in having their photos taken as for the 1st. W it never came close ..
Repeated fly-bys soon ceased and they hawked over the middle of the lake way out of range ..
What started out to be an amazing session soon fizzled out, the birds going camera shy and also struggling with A/F not locking on, I missed a few fly-bys, tracking and just not locking the A/F ...
I tried center point & inner 9 both were lagging behind, later realising the Image Stabilizer was on from last weeks static bird on the water ..
 I don't shoot flight with the IS on, it slows the A/F down, just forgot to turn it back off ...
Anyway it was good while it lasted ..

Little Gull ~ Ad. W