Black-bellied Dipper - PtII ~ Thetford, Norfolk - 10.02.13

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Follow the light ......

With most parts bathed in rain, the east coast was the place to stay dry that is as long you don't fall in the river !! .... so close to going all in but one arm wet is better than a complete soaking ...

Took awhile to locate the bird, I found it down at the next bridge and after about an hour or so it returned back to it's favoured spot.
We then set about coaxing this superb bird with the outcome hopefully of some different images ..

F8 ~ 1/20 ... F4 ~ 1/50

Image were taken with these settings, given the lack of light it was the best available ..

The images weren't great straight off as Raw files and needed extra work, but have polished up ok. 

Black-Bellied Dipper

Love to have some light on this stunner so will probably go again if nothing else turns up !!

If you haven't been yet are you crazy !!



Ploddingbirder said...

Lovely pics Mick. If the sun comes out you wont be able to see the bird for cameras!

Jonathan Lethbridge said...

As with many birds with contrasting plumage, it's actually more difficult to take photos of them in the sunshine. However 1/20 is taking the piss. Superb given the conditions.

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Superb pictures... Cheers!!!..

Linda said...

Wonderful photos!