With strong east winds it meant the day at the "Puddles" in the comfort of the car, on the beach the wind would have been directly in the face which isn't nice.
Between the Beach and the Puddles is a shingle ridge which acts as a bit of a buffer. The car is then positioned so looking out the passenger side windows is east with the afternoon sun behind in the west.
Then its just a matter of attracting the gulls to come in for scrutiny !!
Early evening and behind to the west is a small gathering away from the main flock, in amongst these was this ringed Caspian Gull ..
Once a few shots were fired off and I got RS & DW on the bird, it was a quick web search to reveal a Ukraine ring !!
It was tempted round to the better viewing side so close that I could read the metal ring with bins !!
To close, only just got it in the frame
Ukraine to Dungeness = 1650 km !!
Thanks to a quick reply from Sonke Martens with the birds history ..
Yellow ring ~ HCL23 ..... Metal ring ~ L009123
Ringed by
Микола Скирпан, Igor Shydlovsky
Natalia Atamas & Yurii Strus
Ringed by
Микола Скирпан, Igor Shydlovsky
Natalia Atamas & Yurii Strus
Ringed on the 20.05.15 at Lviv, Yaroviv, Ukraine ..
Sightings ...
02.09.15 ~ Westkapelle, NL ~ Roland-Jan Buijs
02.09.15 ~ Westkapelle, NL ~ Roland-Jan Buijs
10.08.15 ~ Overijssel, Kampen, NL ~ C. Fikkert
10.10.15 ~ Dungeness, Kent, UK ~ M. Southcott