Caspian Gull ~ Ad. W ~ 355P ~ Jolly Farmers, Crayford, Kent - 23.01.14

Thursday, 23 January 2014

The waste ground to the side of The Jolly Farmers Pub, Crayford formerly known as Dussek's held the bulk of the roosting birds today.
With the bird control van in Viridor, unsettling the gulls and the kites in the council tip keeping them off Bob Dunn way then the waste ground produced the goods ... 
Ad + 2nd. w YLG's
Ad. Caspian 
Med Gull

The adult Caspian is a ringed bird, Green with Gold code 355P rung in 2008 in Poland.

In December 2010 this bird was seen at Rainham RSPB by Dominic Mitchell & Jono Lethbridge ...

In July 2011 it was back in Poland ..

In January 2012 it was again at Rainham seen by Dominic Click here

And again in January at Crossness, London seen by Richard Bonser Click here also Kev Jarvis and Me Click here

A great looking bird that unfortunately is now limping on its rung leg seems to have a wound to the foot, not fresh but healed leaving a hole, hopefully not affecting it to much ...


Note the above primary pattern 

And the wing from 2012 showing smaller P9 mirror

Ringed as a Pullus on 22.05.2008
at Jankowice, Babice, Poland 
by Jacek Betleja