Today we had a guest, Andy Lawson for a day at Dungeness.
Wind was to increase to 28 s.w by late afternoon for a seawatch but first "the patch" and Gorse of note: Black Tern, Whinchat and Merlin.
Late morning a call with news of a Ortolan Bunting which for me gave poor views but once the twitching thing was done it was back to business
Refuel in the Cafe
Then it was out near the fishing boats for whats becoming the norm ...
Gull's, gull's & more gull's ..
No sign of any YLG's today but ringed birds and a small long winged LBB kept us amused until Andy shouted "Caspian" ... I couldn't see it, Panic !! ... "It's on the water-line" ... Panic .. Panic !! ... Still can't see it ... "Brilliant white head" ... Can't find it !! .. Panic !! ffs .. Finally i'm on it, don't know how I couldn't see it as once on the bird it stood out a mile ...
What a cracker, a 1st. summer moulting into 2nd. winter. The light was poor at iso 800 and F4 the best was 1/800 and it was raining !!
Caspian Gull ~ into 2nd. W
White head, with long parallel sided bill.
Finely patterned greater coverts.
Dark tertials with irregular white edges & tips.
Mantle and scapulars being replaced with grey.
Black looking primaries.
P10 growing with small mirror.
Pale inner primaries against dark outer.
Under-wing mostly white.
What a great bird to end the weekend.