Caspian Gull ~ 1st. W ~ Dungeness, Kent - 06.10.13

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Sun was low and had virtually gone, the beach was in shadow from the shingle ridge ...

 Richard packed up his camera 
" You don't wanna do that a Caspian will drop in "

minutes later ...
Panic !!!!!

Both DW & Me announce " Caspian "
and begin firing ...

Manual Ex in poor light
17:30 ~ 1/500 - F4 - iso 400
17:45 ~ 1/800 - F4 - iso 640
18:00 ~ 1/800 - F4 - iso 800

This is the same 1st. W bird thats been around from at least the 21.09

But its not the same bird as the Juvenile which we had on the 18.08

Caspian Gull ~ 1st. W


Hopefully this bird keeps hanging around as i'd love to be able to try again in better light ..


Tail comparisons of the two birds ...

1 comment:

Antonio Gutierrez Pita said...

As always nice birds, nice pics.....
All the best