Caspian Gull ~ Juvenile ~ Dungeness, Kent - 14.08.16

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Sunday turned out to be a good day, clear skies, sunny, harsh light at times and a easterly breeze of 12mph ..
East winds are in your face when at the fishing boats and in turn means that the gulls are flying away from you but there flight is much more interesting for images ...

Having set-up on the beach about 3pm it was only 15 mins later when I picked up a Caspian Gull coming in over the boats, down on to the beach with the resting flock ..
A small probable female bird and a smart juvenile ..
The rest of the afternoon and early evening was spent keeping tabs on this bird, trying to get it in the best of the available light, which proved to be quite hard at times ...


1 comment:

chiddy said...

cracking looking bird