Caspian Gull ~ 1st. W ~ Dungeness, Kent - 25.10.15

Thursday 29 October 2015

Another Caspian for Dungeness, that takes it to 9 individuals seen, and 2 more that DW has had, that i haven't seen during the week making a great total of 11 so far for the 15'/16' season ..

This bird stayed around the boats all afternoon and performed well for the camera ..

Caspian Gull ~ 1st. W

A fairly small bird, probable female ..
With a finely barred upper tail and some replaced Greater, Median and Lesser Coverts.

This is the other 1st. winter bird that was there briefly ..

1 comment:

Shaun harvey said...

A nice set of images Mick, hope to see you soon down at Dungeness...